Onions Printable Kids Coloring Pages

Onions is a general term for a group of plants is important for humans who are included in the genus Allium. Tubers, leaves, or flowers garlic used as a vegetable or as a spice, depending on how we look.

Onions contain vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and folic acid. In addition, red onion also contains calcium and iron. Onions also contain natural plant growth regulators such as hormones auxin and gibberellin.

Other uses onion is as traditional medicine, red onion known as a drug because it contains antiseptic effect and compound alliin. Compound alliin by alliinase enzyme then converted to pyruvic acid, ammonia, and as an anti mikoba alliisin that is bactericidal.

Garlic is used as a spice used in almost every food and Asian cuisine. Before being used as a seasoning, crushed garlic with a knife pressed to the side before finely chopped and sauteed in frying pan with a little cooking oil.

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