The story of Star Wars location in space and using the archetype story motifs usually found in both the science fiction and classic mythology. Star Wars is a good example of "space opera" and is a sub-genre of science fiction.
The main theme of Star Wars is the eternal struggle between righteousness and evil. This theme is described as a balance between those who use the main power called "The Force" is evil or good.
This movie tie spins on the Skywalker family was expected to restore the balance in "The Force". Eventually equilibrium is done by Luke Skywalker, son of Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala.
The main theme of Star Wars is the eternal struggle between righteousness and evil. This theme is described as a balance between those who use the main power called "The Force" is evil or good.
This movie tie spins on the Skywalker family was expected to restore the balance in "The Force". Eventually equilibrium is done by Luke Skywalker, son of Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala.
Below is a great free printable Star Wars coloring pages including the main characters of Star Wars movie, download this for your kids.
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